
City Street Department

Batesville’s Street Department is located at 40 General Street. With 10 full time employees, the street department stays busy maintaining approximately 80 miles of city streets. They also mow city right-of-ways, clean ditches and keep storm drains clear of debris. They also keep the city stop lights working. During inclement weather, the street employees work long hours salting street, using snow plows or clearing the streets from falling limbs and trees. Mr. Johnny Coles is the Street Supervisor. Mr. Coles has been with the City for more than 44 years.

To report a street light out, please get the address and number off of the light pole and call city hall at 698-2400 or send us an e-mail to

If you would like to report a pot hole on a street or any other street problem, you can call 870-698-2400 ext. 709 or e-mail us

Street Closure Form(PDF, 350KB)

Street-Cut-Permit-form.pdf(PDF, 87KB)

Department Head

Johnny Coles